Sunday, May 18, 2008

New Membership Site

Hello to all.

I have just started a new membership site that you maybe interested in. Let me ask you have you every tried to find a particular item in amongst a whole lot of other downloads and got frustrated and given up or decided to come back later only to find that the site is no longer up?

Oh! I know the feeling well, I got so tired of signing up for membership sites and either not finding what I wanted or running out of time to say nothing of surfing through hundreds of items that I did not want to find the gems. Well I have done something about it I have started a membership site for all of you interested in Self-Help and Self-Improvement. Here you will only find things related to Self-help and Self-Improvement. Things like Stress Management, Health, Memory training, Self-Empowerment, Yoga, Meditation and so forth.

Hop on over to and see what is happening. As this is the first month there are 12 Ebooks for you to download and also articles for you to read. I have also started a Forum so that you can communicate with myself and others who are interested in the same things as you. I will be adding a Live Chat when I can find one that works consistantly and does not drop out all the time.

To see what we have to over take a look at

Love and Light
Colleen The Crystal Dragon

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Crystal Healing Newsletter for April

I'm Late, I'm Late for a very important deadline (or something like that) anyway I apologise I am very late with April's issue of Crystal Dragon Rumblings, but it is now on-line and contains some great information about crystals and their healing properties. It is a very very long newsletter this month so put aside some time and grab a cuppa.

Just click the link: http://localhost/crystal%20healing%20cdr27.html


Love and Light
Colleen The Crystal Dragon